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BeschreiwungMersch Roman Villa (51168961109).jpg
The Roman Villa in Mersch was built in the 1st century AD. First discovered in the 19th century, the villa was excavated in 1965/66. It was one of the most splendid villas in the Trier region. The façade was 130 m long with a colonnade, while the building itself stretched back 60 m. In front of the Villa there was a large pool measuring 76 x 6.5 m and 2 m deep. The main building had two wings - in the west wing a heating seastem is still preserved. A funerary monument nearly 20 m fund nearby suggests that the owner of the villa was a former military officer, and that he later held an important civilian office in thne region of Trier. Only the basin (75 x 6.5 m) of the Villa can be seen in its entirety today the structures of the ancient villa being hidden underneath modern residential houses. The well preserved central heating system can also be seen, protected by a specially constructed building.
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