Diskussioun:Steve Duarte

Letzter Kommentar: viru(n) 6 Joer von Wolverène

Huet dee Mann wierklech eng Säit op der Wikipedia verdingt?

  • It's a bit strange but he's relevant as a musician. Persounen aus Lëtzebuerg > Museker, Bands, Komponisten > "op d'mannst eng CD/EP déi ënnert deem Numm erauskomm ass" (c). Due to his double nationality (if we're forgetting that he's Luxembourger), it can be also Persoune vu soss doruechter > "An Ausnamefäll: e spezielle Bezuch op Lëtzebuerg, dee fir dës Persoun signifikant ass" (c). Otherwise, we just have no "criteria for terrorists from Luxembourg", and probably it will never be. --Wolverène (Diskussioun) 17:36, 31. Jan. 2018 (UTC)Äntweren
wow, seriously? --Wolverène (Diskussioun) 17:39, 31. Jan. 2018 (UTC)Äntweren
Den Duarte huet duebel Nationalitéit, säi Famill liewen zu Figueira da Foz an zu Meespelt.
Wouhier wësse mer datt en duebel Nationalitéit huet? --Les Meloures (Diskussioun) 18:47, 31. Jan. 2018 (UTC)Äntweren
From references #1 and #3.
"Detentor de nacionalidade e passaporte português, nunca perdeu a ligação ao país dos pais. Cresceu no Luxemburgo mas regressava frequentemente à Figueira da Foz, terra onde ainda tem família." (c)
"«Même si Steve Duarte est de nationalité portugaise, nous avons la possibilité de le poursuivre, car c'est un résident luxembourgeois», indique Henri Eippers." (c) --Wolverène (Diskussioun) 18:53, 31. Jan. 2018 (UTC)Äntweren
Nothing of this shows that he is Luxemburger. All I understand is that he is a Portuguese who was living in Luxembourg --Les Meloures (Diskussioun) 19:06, 31. Jan. 2018 (UTC)Äntweren
Do you want to say that after 7+ years of living in Luxembourg he didn't become Luxembourger? Anyway even if not a Luxembourger, isn't he a "Persoun mat engem spezielle Bezuch op Lëtzebuerg"? --Wolverène (Diskussioun) 19:14, 31. Jan. 2018 (UTC)Äntweren

Yes I want to say that after 7+ years of living in Luxembourg nothing makes us sure that he is Luxembourger and so the article shall not say: Den Duarte huet duebel Nationalitéit. That is what I asked for. I didnt want to dicuss if the relation with Luxembourg is special or not, or in what degree it is special. American soldiers who came to liberate Luxembourg have a special relation. Actually I really don't see what should be so special in Duartes relation with Luxembourg. But let only vote everybody and vote yourself for or against deletion. --Les Meloures (Diskussioun) 19:34, 31. Jan. 2018 (UTC)Äntweren
I decided not to vote anywhere t/here, just to note that I'd like to be neutral because it's an extremely borderline situation. (I'm also sorry if I created smth really undesirable.) --Wolverène (Diskussioun) 20:10, 31. Jan. 2018 (UTC)Äntweren
Zréck op d'Säit "Steve Duarte".