Diskussioun:Luis Alberto Suárez

Leschte Kommentar: viru(n) 6 Joer vum Wolverène

Hien huet a senger Carrière fir de Club Nacional de Football (UG) (bis 2006), den FC Groningen (NL) (2006–07), den AFC Ajax (NL) (2008–15), de Liverpool FC (US-EN) (2011–14) gespillt,[1] an zanter 2014 fir den FC Barcelona.[2]

Ass sou eppes dat vollgestoppt mat Klameren ass nach liesbar ????

Do you really think sou. A text should be readable in the manner you would speak it. Do you speak a lot of brackets and unusefull shortcuts???
UG, NL etc are for ones who may not know where Nacional or Ajax are actually based
Therefore the links are made, even if still red. We can't worry about people that don't know where Amsterdam or Liverpool is.
it would be even more unreadable
it only depends of how you write it. --Nilrom (Diskussioun) 17:09, 17. Jun. 2018 (UTC)Äntweren
Supposed that things in brackets were unnecessary to read. But the way you re-wrote that is good, I still can't make the wording better. --Wolverène (Diskussioun) 17:23, 17. Jun. 2018 (UTC)Äntweren
Returning to the talking about his double nationality. Personally I also don't know why Italian, he didn't play there, but Transfermarkt mentionned this. I can say that TM is considered unreliable by the English Wiki, but in other hand many mass media (e.g. in Russia) refer to it as [very] reliable and trustful. For me it's just handy source, I don't actually cavil the information there. --Wolverène (Diskussioun) 17:23, 17. Jun. 2018 (UTC)Äntweren
Zréck op d'Säit "Luis Alberto Suárez".