Diskussioun:Gordian Troeller

All about Gordian you will find under : www.gordian-troeller.com

We do need help please ! We are looking for the material of the following film : Kurdistan: Drenched in Blood (B/W 15 min) Irak 1964 (Durchs blutige Kurdistan) Please kindly contact me : Jonny Chen mail : allstarmedia@aol.com (vun der IP

We are very sorry, but don't have any information. Greetings. --Cornischong 13:06, 18 Januar 2006 (UTC)

CNA might know? änneren

It might be worth contacting the National Audiovisual Centre (CNA) which is supposed to collect and preserve any audiovisual material on Luxembourg or by Luxembourg nationals. See [1].

Regards, --Zinneke 14:44, 18 Januar 2006 (UTC)

Zréck op d'Säit "Gordian Troeller".