Diskussioun:Charly Gaul

"Charly Gaul retired from cycling in 1963. He made an abortive comeback in 1965 that accomplished no victories. Afterwards he spent six months running a café near the main train station in the centre of Luxembourg city then slipped out of public view. For a quarter of a century his whereabouts were practically unknown. He was discovered in the middle of the Ardennes forest, following a hermitic lifestyle in a small hut." liesen ech an der en-Wikipedia. Stëmmt dee leschte Saz oder ass dat just Gesabbels, a wou sinn d'Quellen??? Wann dat net ze beleeën ass, da kënnt dat mer allerhand rëffeg vir. --Cornischong 21:49, 4 August 2006 (UTC)

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