-- module local variables
local wiki =
langcode = mw.language.getContentLanguage().code
-- internationalisation
local i18n = {
["errors"] = {
["property-not-found"] = "Eegenschaft konnt net fonnt ginn.",
["entity-not-found"] = "Wikidata-Element konnt net fonnt ginn.",
["unknown-claim-type"] = "Onbekannte Claim-Typ.",
["unknown-snak-type"] = "Onbekannte Snak-Typ.",
["unknown-datavalue-type"] = "Onbekannten Datentyp.",
["unknown-entity-type"] = "Onbekannten Entity-Typ.",
["qualifier-not-found"] = "Qualifikator konnt net fonnt ginn.",
["site-not-found"] = "Wikimedia-Projet konnt net fonnt ginn.",
["somevalue"] = "Onbekannte Wäert",
["novalue"] = "Kee Wäert",
["datetime"] =
-- $1 is a placeholder for the actual number
[0] = "$1 Mrd. Joer", -- precision: billion years
[1] = "$100 Mio. Joer", -- precision: hundred million years
[2] = "$10 Mio. Joer", -- precision: ten million years
[3] = "$1 Mio. Joer", -- precision: million years
[4] = "$100.000 Joer", -- precision: hundred thousand years
[5] = "$10.000 Joer", -- precision: ten thousand years
[6] = "$1. Joerdausend", -- precision: millenium
[7] = "$1. Joerhonnert", -- precision: century
[8] = "$1er", -- precision: decade
-- the following use the format of #time parser function
[9] = "Y", -- precision: year,
[10] = "F Y", -- precision: month
[11] = "j. F Y", -- precision: day
[12] = 'j. F Y, G "Auer"', -- precision: hour
[13] = "j. F Y G:i", -- precision: minute
[14] = "j. F Y G:i:s", -- precision: second
["beforenow"] = "viru(n) $1", -- how to format negative numbers for precisions 0 to 5
["afternow"] = "a(n) $1", -- how to format positive numbers for precisions 0 to 5
["bc"] = '$1 "v. Chr."', -- how print negative years
["ad"] = "$1" -- how print positive years
["monolingualtext"] = '<span lang="%language">%text</span>'
local p = { }
local function printError(code)
return '<span class="error">' .. i18n.errors[code] .. '</span>'
-- the "qualifiers" and "snaks" field have a respective "qualifiers-order" and "snaks-order" field
-- use these as the second parameter and this function instead of the built-in "pairs" function
-- to iterate over all qualifiers and snaks in the intended order.
local function orderedpairs(array, order)
if not order then return pairs(array) end
-- return iterator function
local i = 0
return function()
i = i + 1
if order[i] then
return order[i], array[order[i]]
function p.descriptionIn(frame)
local langcode = frame.args[1]
local id = frame.args[2] -- "id" must be nil, as access to other Wikidata objects is disabled in Mediawiki configuration
-- return description of a Wikidata entity in the given language or the default language of this Wikipedia site
return mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(id).descriptions[langcode or wiki.langcode].value
function p.labelIn(frame)
local langcode = frame.args[1]
local id = frame.args[2] -- "id" must be nil, as access to other Wikidata objects is disabled in Mediawiki configuration
-- return label of a Wikidata entity in the given language or the default language of this Wikipedia site
return mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(id).labels[langcode or wiki.langcode].value
local function printDatavalueCoordinate(data, parameter)
-- data fields: latitude [double], longitude [double], altitude [double], precision [double], globe [wikidata URI, usually http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q2 [earth]]
if parameter then
if parameter == "globe" then data.globe = mw.ustring.match(data.globe, "Q%d+") end -- extract entity id from the globe URI
return data[parameter]
return data.latitude .. "/" .. data.longitude -- combine latitude and longitude, which can be decomposed using the #titleparts wiki function
local function printDatavalueQuantity(data, parameter)
-- data fields: amount [number], unit [string], upperBound [number], lowerBound [number]
if parameter then
return data[paramater]
return tonumber(data.amount)
-- precision: 0 - billion years, 1 - hundred million years, ..., 6 - millenia, 7 - century, 8 - decade, 9 - year, 10 - month, 11 - day, 12 - hour, 13 - minute, 14 - second
local function normalizeDate(date)
date = mw.text.trim(date, "+")
-- extract year
local yearstr = mw.ustring.match(date, "^\-?%d+")
local year = tonumber(yearstr)
-- remove leading zeros of year
return year .. mw.ustring.sub(date, #yearstr + 1), year
function formatDate(date, precision, timezone)
precision = precision or 11
date, year = normalizeDate(date)
if year == 0 and precision <= 9 then return "" end
-- precision is 10000 years or more
if precision <= 5 then
local factor = 10 ^ ((5 - precision) + 4)
local y2 = math.ceil(math.abs(year) / factor)
local relative = mw.ustring.gsub(i18n.datetime[precision], "$1", tostring(y2))
if year < 0 then
relative = mw.ustring.gsub(i18n.datetime.beforenow, "$1", relative)
relative = mw.ustring.gsub(i18n.datetime.afternow, "$1", relative)
return relative
-- precision is decades, centuries and millenia
local era
if precision == 6 then era = mw.ustring.gsub(i18n.datetime[6], "$1", tostring(math.floor((math.abs(year) - 1) / 1000) + 1)) end
if precision == 7 then era = mw.ustring.gsub(i18n.datetime[7], "$1", tostring(math.floor((math.abs(year) - 1) / 100) + 1)) end
if precision == 8 then era = mw.ustring.gsub(i18n.datetime[8], "$1", tostring(math.floor(math.abs(year) / 10) * 10)) end
if era then
if year < 0 then era = mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(i18n.datetime.bc, '"', ""), "$1", era)
elseif year > 0 then era = mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(i18n.datetime.ad, '"', ""), "$1", era) end
return era
-- precision is years or less
if precision >= 9 then
--[[ the following code replaces the UTC suffix with the given negated timezone to convert the global time to the given local time
timezone = tonumber(timezone)
if timezone and timezone ~= 0 then
timezone = -timezone
timezone = string.format("%.2d%.2d", timezone / 60, timezone % 60)
if timezone[1] ~= '-' then timezone = "+" .. timezone end
date = mw.text.trim(date, "Z") .. " " .. timezone
local formatstr = i18n.datetime[precision]
if year == 0 then formatstr = mw.ustring.gsub(formatstr, i18n.datetime[9], "")
elseif year < 0 then
-- Mediawiki formatDate doesn't support negative years
date = mw.ustring.sub(date, 2)
formatstr = mw.ustring.gsub(formatstr, i18n.datetime[9], mw.ustring.gsub(i18n.datetime.bc, "$1", i18n.datetime[9]))
elseif year > 0 and i18n.datetime.ad ~= "$1" then
formatstr = mw.ustring.gsub(formatstr, i18n.datetime[9], mw.ustring.gsub(i18n.datetime.ad, "$1", i18n.datetime[9]))
return mw.language.new(wiki.langcode):formatDate(formatstr, date)
local function printDatavalueTime(data, parameter)
-- data fields: time [ISO 8601 time], timezone [int in minutes], before [int], after [int], precision [int], calendarmodel [wikidata URI]
-- precision: 0 - billion years, 1 - hundred million years, ..., 6 - millenia, 7 - century, 8 - decade, 9 - year, 10 - month, 11 - day, 12 - hour, 13 - minute, 14 - second
-- calendarmodel: e.g. http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q1985727 for the proleptic Gregorian calendar or http://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q11184 for the Julian calendar]
if parameter then
if parameter == "calendarmodel" then data.calendarmodel = mw.ustring.match(data.calendarmodel, "Q%d+") -- extract entity id from the calendar model URI
elseif parameter == "time" then data.time = normalizeDate(data.time) end
return data[parameter]
return formatDate(data.time, data.precision, data.timezone)
local function printDatavalueEntity(data, parameter)
-- data fields: entity-type [string], numeric-id [int, Wikidata id]
local id = "Q" .. data["numeric-id"]
if parameter then
if parameter == "link" then
return "[[" .. (mw.wikibase.sitelink(id) or (":d:" .. id)) .. "|" .. (mw.wikibase.label(id) or id) .. "]]"
return data[parameter]
if data["entity-type"] == "item" then return mw.wikibase.label("Q" .. data["numeric-id"]) or id else printError("unknown-entity-type") end
local function printDatavalueMonolingualText(data, parameter)
-- data fields: language [string], text [string]
if parameter then
return data[parameter]
local result = mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(i18n.monolingualtext, "%%language", data["language"]), "%%text", data["text"])
return result
function findClaims(entity, property)
if not property or not entity or not entity.claims then return end
if mw.ustring.match(property, "^P%d+$") then
-- if the property is given by an id (P..) access the claim list by this id
return entity.claims[property]
property = mw.wikibase.resolvePropertyId(property)
if not property then return end
return entity.claims[property]
function getSnakValue(snak, parameter)
-- snaks have three types: "novalue" for null/nil, "somevalue" for not null/not nil, or "value" for actual data
if snak.snaktype == "novalue" then return i18n["novalue"]
elseif snak.snaktype == "somevalue" then return i18n["somevalue"]
elseif snak.snaktype ~= "value" then return nil, printError("unknown-snak-type")
-- call the respective snak parser
if snak.datavalue.type == "string" then return snak.datavalue.value
elseif snak.datavalue.type == "globecoordinate" then return printDatavalueCoordinate(snak.datavalue.value, parameter)
elseif snak.datavalue.type == "quantity" then return printDatavalueQuantity(snak.datavalue.value, parameter)
elseif snak.datavalue.type == "time" then return printDatavalueTime(snak.datavalue.value, parameter)
elseif snak.datavalue.type == "wikibase-entityid" then return printDatavalueEntity(snak.datavalue.value, parameter)
elseif snak.datavalue.type == "monolingualtext" then return printDatavalueMonolingualText(snak.datavalue.value, parameter)
else return nil, printError("unknown-datavalue-type")
function getQualifierSnak(claim, qualifierId)
-- a "snak" is Wikidata terminology for a typed key/value pair
-- a claim consists of a main snak holding the main information of this claim,
-- as well as a list of attribute snaks and a list of references snaks
if qualifierId then
-- search the attribute snak with the given qualifier as key
if claim.qualifiers then
local qualifier = claim.qualifiers[qualifierId]
if qualifier then return qualifier[1] end
return nil, printError("qualifier-not-found")
-- otherwise return the main snak
return claim.mainsnak
function getValueOfClaim(claim, qualifierId, parameter)
local error
local snak
snak, error = getQualifierSnak(claim, qualifierId)
if snak then
return getSnakValue(snak, parameter)
return nil, error
function getReferences(frame, claim)
local result = ""
-- traverse through all references
for ref in pairs(claim.references or {}) do
local refparts
-- traverse through all parts of the current reference
for snakkey, snakval in orderedpairs(claim.references[ref].snaks or {}, claim.references[ref]["snaks-order"]) do
if refparts then refparts = refparts .. ", " else refparts = "" end
-- output the label of the property of the reference part, e.g. "imported from" for P143
refparts = refparts .. tostring(mw.wikibase.label(snakkey)) .. ": "
-- output all values of this reference part, e.g. "German Wikipedia" and "English Wikipedia" if the referenced claim was imported from both sites
for snakidx = 1, #snakval do
if snakidx > 1 then refparts = refparts .. ", " end
refparts = refparts .. getSnakValue(snakval[snakidx])
if refparts then result = result .. frame:extensionTag("ref", refparts) end
return result
function p.claim(frame)
local property = frame.args[1] or ""
local id = frame.args["id"] -- "id" must be nil, as access to other Wikidata objects is disabled in Mediawiki configuration
local qualifierId = frame.args["qualifier"]
local parameter = frame.args["parameter"]
local list = string.gsub(frame.args["list"] or "", "\\n", "\n") -- if a newline is provided (whose backslash will be escaped) unescape it
local references = frame.args["references"]
local showerrors = frame.args["showerrors"]
local default = frame.args["default"]
if default then showerrors = nil end
-- get wikidata entity
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(id)
if not entity then
if showerrors then return printError("entity-not-found") else return default end
-- fetch the first claim of satisfying the given property
local claims = findClaims(entity, property)
if not claims or not claims[1] then
if showerrors then return printError("property-not-found") else return default end
-- get initial sort indices
local sortindices = {}
for idx in pairs(claims) do
sortindices[#sortindices + 1] = idx
-- sort by claim rank
local comparator = function(a, b)
local rankmap = { deprecated = 2, normal = 1, preferred = 0 }
local ranka = rankmap[claims[a].rank or "normal"] .. string.format("%08d", a)
local rankb = rankmap[claims[b].rank or "normal"] .. string.format("%08d", b)
return ranka < rankb
table.sort(sortindices, comparator)
local result
local error
if list then
local value
-- iterate over all elements and return their value (if existing)
result = {}
for idx in pairs(claims) do
local claim = claims[sortindices[idx]]
value, error = getValueOfClaim(claim, qualifierId, parameter)
if not value and showerrors then value = error end
if value and references then value = value .. getReferences(frame, claim) end
result[#result + 1] = value
result = table.concat(result, list)
-- return first element
local claim = claims[sortindices[1]]
result, error = getValueOfClaim(claim, qualifierId, parameter)
if result and references then result = result .. getReferences(frame, claim) end
if result then return result else
if showerrors then return error else return default end
function p.getValue(frame)
local param = frame.args[2]
if param == "FETCH_WIKIDATA" then return p.claim(frame) else return param end
function p.pageId(frame)
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject()
if not entity then return nil else return entity.id end
function p.labelOf(frame)
local id = frame.args[1]
-- returns the label of the given entity/property id
-- if no id is given, the one from the entity associated with the calling Wikipedia article is used
if not id then
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject()
if not entity then return printError("entity-not-found") end
id = entity.id
return mw.wikibase.label(id)
function p.sitelinkOf(frame)
local id = frame.args[1]
-- returns the Wikipedia article name of the given entity
-- if no id is given, the one from the entity associated with the calling Wikipedia article is used
if not id then
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject()
if not entity then return printError("entity-not-found") end
id = entity.id
return mw.wikibase.sitelink(id)
function p.badges(frame)
local site = frame.args[1]
local id = frame.args[2] -- "id" must be nil, as access to other Wikidata objects is disabled in Mediawiki configuration
if not site then return printError("site-not-found") end
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(id)
if not entity then return printError("entity-not-found") end
local badges = entity.sitelinks[site].badges
if badges then
local result
for idx = 1, #badges do
if result then result = result .. "/" .. badges[idx] else result = badges[idx] end
return result
-- call this in cases of script errors within a function instead of {{#invoke:Wikidata|<method>|...}} call {{#invoke:Wikidata|debug|<method>|...}}
function p.debug(frame)
local func = frame.args[1]
if func then
-- create new parameter set, where the first parameter with the function name is removed
local newargs = {}
for key, val in pairs(frame.args) do
if type(key) == "number" then
if key > 1 then newargs[key - 1] = val end
newargs[key] = val
frame.args = newargs
local status, result = pcall(p[func], frame)
if status then return result else return '<span class="error">' .. result .. '</span>' end
return '<span class="error">invalid parameters</span>'
function printTable(data, level)
level = tonumber(level) or 0
local result = ""
local prefix = ""
for idx = 1, level do prefix = prefix .. " " end
if type(data) == "table" then
for key, val in pairs(data) do
result = result .. prefix .. key .. ": "
if type(val) == "table" then result = result .. "\n" .. printTable(val, level + 1) else result = result .. tostring(val) .. "\n" end
result = prefix .. tostring(data)
if level == 0 then result = "<pre>" .. mw.text.encode(result) .. "</pre>" end
return result
function p.printEntity(frame)
local id = frame.args[1] -- "id" must be nil, as access to other Wikidata objects is disabled in Mediawiki configuration
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(id)
return printTable(entity)
function p.printSitelinks(frame)
local id = frame.args[1] -- "id" must be nil, as access to other Wikidata objects is disabled in Mediawiki configuration
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(id)
local result = ""
if entity then
local links = entity.sitelinks
for i, v in pairs(links) do
if string.sub(v.site, -4) == "wiki" then
result = result .. "[ [" .. ({string.gsub(string.sub(v.site, 1, -5),"_","-")})[1] .. ":" .. v.title .. "]]\n"
return printTable(result)
return p