Original-Fichier (SVG-Fichier, Basisgréisst: 959 × 593 Pixel, Gréisst vum Fichier: 57 KB)

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Et gëtt erwaart datt dëst Bild ëmmer um neiste Stand ass. Aktualiséiert et roueg, wann néideg.


English: A blank map of the United States, not including territories such as Puerto Rico and Guam. Uses the Albers projection. All paths of the states in the file have been assigned an ID consisting of their standard two-letter abbreviations in order to enable easy editing using a text editor. Relative scales and omitted islands are described in comments in the file.
Español: Mapa en blanco de los Estados Unidos en formato de vector escalable.
Quell Derived from File:Blank USA, w territories.svg
Auteur Heitordp
Aner Versiounen

Alternative versions of this file:

Other blank US maps:

Der SVG-Code ist valide.
Diese Landkarte wurde mit einem Texteditor erstellt. Die Validierung hat sie für syntaktisch korrekt befunden.
Diese Landkarte is saved in human-editable plain text format. Any editing of the image or creation of any derivative work should be performed using a text editor. Please do not upload edits saved or exported with Inkscape or similar vector graphics editors, as well as with automated tools such as SVG Translate.


Creative Commons CC-Zero Dëse Fichier gëtt ënner der Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication Lizenz zur Verfügung gestallt.
Déi Persoun, déi dëst Wierk mat dësem Dokument verbonn huet, iwwerléist der dëst Wierk Allgemengheet dëst Wierk, andeem si all Copyright-Rechter an all weider domat verbonne Rechter – am Kader vun de jeeweilege gesetzleche Bestëmmungen – opgëtt. D'Wierk kann – souguer fir kommerziell Zwecker – kopéiert, modifizéiert a viruverdeelt ginn, ouni datt dofir eng Autorisatioun gefrot muss ginn.


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Blank SVG map of the United States

In dieser Datei abgebildete Objekte


MIME-Typ Däitsch


Prüfsumme Däitsch


Dateigröße Däitsch

58.766 Byte

593 Pixel

959 Pixel


Klickt op e bestëmmten Zäitpunkt fir déi respektiv Versioun vum Fichier ze kucken.

(neist | eelst) Weis (nächst 10 | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
Versioun vumMiniaturbildDimensiounenBenotzerBemierkung
aktuell21:54, 22. Dez. 2020Miniaturbild fir d'Versioun vum 21:54, 22. Dez. 2020959 × 593 (57 KB)Jamesy0627144edit title, remove word "territories" from comments
01:27, 2. Dez. 2020Miniaturbild fir d'Versioun vum 01:27, 2. Dez. 2020959 × 593 (57 KB)Kaldaribased on new version of File:Blank USA, w territories.svg by Heitordp
00:23, 23. Mee 2020Miniaturbild fir d'Versioun vum 00:23, 23. Mee 2020959 × 593 (28 KB)KaldariReverted to version as of 27 May 2019. Newer versions were substantially different and should be uploaded as a separate file per Commons:Overwriting existing files
21:37, 1. Mee 2020Miniaturbild fir d'Versioun vum 21:37, 1. Mee 2020958 × 602 (200 KB)Jamesy0627144moved Alaska and separator lines slightly (incorporated most recent change to File:Blank USA, w territories.svg)
01:23, 25. Abr. 2020Miniaturbild fir d'Versioun vum 01:23, 25. Abr. 2020958 × 602 (200 KB)Jamesy0627144Fixed some flaws such as the non-overlapping borders that caused a double-line display when a stroke color was assigned. Other aspects of the map were also improved. Credit to Heitordp for originally uploading at File:Blank USA, w territories.svg; only change I made was to remove territories.
19:09, 27. Mee 2019Miniaturbild fir d'Versioun vum 19:09, 27. Mee 2019959 × 593 (28 KB)Jamesy0627144add opacity property for DC circle, to allow to be hidden
18:44, 27. Mee 2019Miniaturbild fir d'Versioun vum 18:44, 27. Mee 2019959 × 593 (27 KB)Jamesy0627144remove unused / duplicative "outlines" id
03:15, 25. Abr. 2019Miniaturbild fir d'Versioun vum 03:15, 25. Abr. 2019959 × 593 (27 KB)Jamesy0627144Removed the stroke and stroke-width properties that I added earlier. These do not really work well for this file since border centerlines are offset from each other instead of directly overlapping. Would be better if they were overlapping as is the case with File:BlankMap-World.svg but would require some expertise to fix.
20:14, 27. Mäe. 2019Miniaturbild fir d'Versioun vum 20:14, 27. Mäe. 2019959 × 593 (28 KB)Jamesy0627144Added stroke and stroke-width attributes for .state class. Not necessary to include these but doing so will be helpful for editors not familiar with SVG who may wish to tweak these settings. Also added title tags for each state so name pops up when hover with mouse.
02:24, 5. Mäe. 2019Miniaturbild fir d'Versioun vum 02:24, 5. Mäe. 2019959 × 593 (26 KB)Jamesy0627144Added instructions to CSS block so people who don't know SVG (most people) will have an easier time figuring out how to color the map.
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