For the people without Icelandic letters, we should have a SEARCH redirect to these pages. For example, I think no one in Lúxembourg can type the Icelandic letters ð Ð Þ þ and Æ æ. So like have a search 'Kopavogur' redirect to 'Kópavogur' and 'Hafnarfjordur' redirect to 'Hafnarfjörður' same with 'Reykjavik' redirect to 'Reykjavík'. See? (and now how do you do that? hehe)--Ice201 22:42, 18 September 2006 (UTC)
If you can give us a list with the right icelandic names we will use it and try to make the redirects Les Meloures 23:08, 18 September 2006 (UTC)
Jo, dat geet schon. I will do that when I complete the Icelandic cities. I have been just so busy lately with my studies and work haven't had the time, but I will get the Icelandic articles working on . :) Merci (eveyrone here is so friendly, I want to go to Luxembourg now :)) --Ice201 01:07, 19 September 2006 (UTC)
Eng Diskussioun ufänken iwwer Kópavogur
Op Diskussiounssäiten diskutéiere Leit wéi se den Inhalt op Wikipedia sou gutt wéi méiglech gestalte kënnen. Dir kënnt dës Säit benotze fir eng Diskussioun mat Aneren unzefänken wéi een Kópavogur verbessere kann.