Stopp ! Dëst ass Är lescht Warnung. Déi nächst Kéier wou Dir duerch Vandalismus opfaalt, gëtt Äre Kont gespaart.

"Do not delete it." (c) - why? Is there something that's worth keeping? You're creating articles without relevant information (size, justification of relevance, sources), in preambules you're adding errorful information without any embarrassing, and now you're just writing "eng US-amerikanesch Persoun" (=an American person) instead of any meaningful content. Maybe you shouldn't contribute in a language you have no wish to learn? Why are you trying to create such articles in most of wikis? Why are you sure people will be happy to expand pages about persons who are usually little-known outside of the US/Canada? Maybe you're working for some employer? I'd like to know it 'cause I didn't see you ever were in touch before. --Wolverène (Diskussioun) 09:25, 31. Jan. 2018 (UTC)Äntweren

  • If you will keep on creating your microstubs (I think you will with no matter what), here's a little word list, I hope you will look here before a creation instead of copying of preambles from another articles, and I hope I didn't do it in vain.
    • actor/actress (common) - Schauspiller/Schauspillerin
    • film actor/actress - Filmschauspiller/Filmschauspillerin
    • stage actor/actress - Theaterschauspiller/Theaterschauspillerin
    • male/female singer - Sänger/Sängerin
    • voice actor/voice actress - Synchronspriecher/Synchronspriecherin
    • poet/poetess - Dichter/Dichterin
    • male/female dancer - Dänzer/Dänzerin
    • male/female producer - Produzent/Produzentin
    • male/female radio host - Radiosspeaker/Radiosspeakerin
    • male/female TV host - Televisiounsmoderateur/Televisiounsmoderatorin
    • male/female screenwriter - Dréibuchauteur/Dréibuchautorin
    • male/female camera operator - Kameramann/Kamerafra
    • male/female director - Filmregisseur/Filmregisseurin
    • male/female stage director - Theaterregisseur/Theaterregisseurin
    • male/female musician - Museker/Musekerin
    • male/female comedian - Komiker/Komikerin
    • model - Model
    • businessman/businesswoman - Geschäftsmann/Geschäftsfra
    • clown/clowness - Clown/Clowness
--Wolverène (Diskussioun) 09:55, 31. Jan. 2018 (UTC)Äntweren

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