Wikipedia:Bot/Archiv vun den Ufroe fir nei Botten

PipepBot änneren

Hello! I ask for permission to run my interwiki bot PipepBot here, and to get a bot flag for it.

  • Operator: it:User:Pipep
  • Purpose: Interwiki
  • Software: Pywikipedia
  • Have bot flag at: als, am, an, ar, az, bat-smg, be-x-old, bn, bs, ceb, cs, cv, da, en, eo, et, fo, fy, hr, id, is, lv, nap, nn, no, pms, simple, sl, sv, th, uk
  • Details: Interwiki using Pywikipediabot. It mostly runs manually assisted. May run automatically in some cases.

It will soon begin to do test edits. Thank you! --it:User:Pipep 20:47, 4 August 2007 (UTC)

  • How does your bot proceed actually? From which data do you start when running your bot, how often will you run your bot?
My bot runs irregulary, dayly to weekly. It starts from different wikipedias (english, german, italian, french and many others) and does maintenance of whole categories, especially in the field of engineering and technology.
  • Are there any known difficulties in your bot and how does it interact with other bots running actually on lb-wikipedia: Thijs!bot, Quistnix, Robbot, Escarbot, FlaBot, JAnDbot, ...)
  • What will be the added value for lb-wikipedia if your bot runs there? (compared to other bots (especially those running already on lb-wikipedia))
Faster integration of other language wikipedias
  • Are you ready and able to run your bot for us if we will have a special request?
Yes, only for interwiki links

--Pipep 21:29, 4 August 2007 (UTC)

PipepBot has now bot status. Thank you. --Pipep 02:58, 11 August 2007 (UTC)

AlleborgoBot änneren

  • Operator: Alleborgo
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted: Automatic, in "-autonomous" mode. Sometimes the bot will run in manual assisted mode to solve interwiki conflicts.
  • Programming Language(s): Pywikipedia framework daily updated to the last CVS version
  • Function Summary: interwiki starting at it.wikipedia
  • Already has a bot flag in: ar, bg, bs, ca, cs, da, de, en, eo, es, fr, id, it, ja, ka, nl, no, pl, pt, ru, simple, th, sv, zh, zh-yue. On has done more than 33000 edit.
  • Are there any known difficulties in your bot and how does it interact with other bots running actually on lb-wikipedia: no
  • What will be the added value for lb-wikipedia if your bot runs there? Faster integration of other language versions.
  • Are you ready and able to run your bot for us if we will have a special request? On lb-wikipedia I'll work only on interwiki links, if you have requests on that, I'll do for sure! ;) --AlleborgoBot 11:59, 7 Juli 2007 (UTC)

Thanks --AlleborgoBot 11:59, 7 Juli 2007 (UTC)

Loveless änneren

  • Operator : fr:User:Darkoneko
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted : Automatic
  • Programming Language(s) : python (pywikipedia framework)
  • Function Summary : interwikis
  • Edit period(s) : continuous (~16H / day)
  • Edit rate : 1 or at most 2 edit/min in normal mode, a daily (few minutes long) wave of faster edits when using
  • Already has a bot flag : on 48 52 other wikipedias (see fr:User:Loveless#Statut for detail)
  • Function Details:
    • I uses in autonomous mode for interwiki adding, with the frwp article database as origin. I'll probably switch to another wiki's article list once I reach a complete loop of the current article list (probably in a few days), and start over from a wiki no interwiki bot run list from
    • Once or twice a day, I'll also add 's useful results using .

Darkoneko 11:24, 7 Juni 2007 (UTC)

  • How does your bot proceed actually? From which data do you start when running your bot, how often will you run your bot?

The data source for the article list is currently frwp, but as I'm reaching the end of the list, I'll switch to another source soon. Probably another wiki with 100k+ articles which is the source of no other bot (like jawp or kowp) --- La liste d'articles utilisée est pour l'instant celle du wikipedié francophone, mais comme j'ai presque atteint la fin de la liste, je vais surement passer à la liste d'un autre gros wiki, vraissemblablement un de ceux qui ne sert pas ou peu de source aux autres bots

The bot run normally in my "awake" hour (since I shut down the noisy computer when I sleep), thus an average of 16 hours per day of running --- Le bot tourne tous les jours, a mes heures d'activités (vu que j'éteint l'ordinateur pour dormir tranquille :), soit environ 16H d'activité robot/jour

  • Are there any known difficulties in your bot and how does it interact with other bots running actually on lb-wikipedia (RobotQuistnix, Robbot, TuvicBot, Escarbot, FlaBot, JAnDbot, ...)

There are none difficulties in that I know of. Since it's only job is adding interwikis, it won't really interact with others bots. --- A ma connaissance, n'a pas de problemes notables. Comme l'unique travail sur robot est l'ajout d'interwiki, il n'aura a priori pas d'interactions particuliere avec les autres robots.

  • What will be the added value for lb-wikipedia if your bot runs there? (compared to other bots (especially those running already on lb-wikipedia))

Apart from the usual interwiki stuff, my bot will add, once or twice a day, the new results from Flacus's interwiki tool. --- Les tâches interwiki mises à part, mon bot ajoutera aussi une ou deux fois par jour les nouveaux resultats obtenus grâce à l'outil de comparaison de pages de Flacus.

  • Are you ready and able to run your bot for us if we will have a special request?

It would be my pleasure. --- avec plaisir.

  • Please add a different userpage for your Bot including somewhere in the name the word bot. Moreover you are kindly requested to complete your User-page on lb-wikipedia including your language-knowledge using the Babel-templates.

I'm not sure to understand. Do you mean creating for exemple a page LovelessBot and putting #redirect User:Loveless in it ? if this mean renaming the account, it would be a problem, as I wish to keep the same name on every wiki (with 60+ accounts, it would become a nightmare to have various names on them).

I've added the babel template on my page now.

Darkoneko 21:51, 7 Juni 2007 (UTC)

Byrialbot änneren

Hi, I ask for permission to use my interwiki bot Byrialbot here.

  • Operator: User:Byrial (Home project: da:User:Byrial)
  • Programming language: Python (Pywikipedia)
  • Function: interwiki
  • Already has bot flag on: ar, da, en, eo, he, nds, nn, no, sv
  • Description: Interwiki using Pywikipediabot starting from da:, sv:, nn: or no:. I do not expect very many edits as I normallly run it manual and use time to try to solve found interwiki conflicts.

Answers to your standard questions:

  • How does your bot proceed actually? From which data do you start when running your bot, how often will you run your bot?
My primary focus is the closely related Scandinavian languages Danish, Norwegian and Swedish, and I do analysis of database dumps to find missing or problematic interwiki links between these languages which will the starting point for the bot. Besides it will also use pages in my home Wikipedia (the Danish) which I know miss interwiki links for instance new pages. I normally run the bot manually when I have time and do some work to solve found interwiki conflicts.
  • Are there any known difficulties in your bot and how does it interact with other bots running actually on lb-wikipedia (RobotQuistnix, Robbot, TuvicBot, Escarbot, FlaBot, JAnDbot, ...)
No known difficulties and no interaction with other bots. I update the code to the current CVS version before each run in order to get any bug fixes as fast at possible.
  • What will be the added value for lb-wikipedia if your bot runs there? (compared to other bots (especially those running already on lb-wikipedia))
The direct value will be quicker propagation of new and changed interwiki links. Besides if my bot is able to correct changed or erroneous interwiki links in all wikis at once it will save some work for other bots (and for the Wikipedia servers) following the bad links. Therefore it is an advantage to let an interwiki bot work in as many wikis as possible.
  • Are you ready and able to run your bot for us if we will have a special request?
Yes. Just ask if you need something done.
  • Please add a different userpage for your Bot including somewhere in the name the word bot. Moreover you are kindly requested to complete your User-page on lb-wikipedia including your language-knowledge using the Babel-templates.
I did.

Best regards, Byrial 08:51, 8 Juni 2007 (UTC)

BotMultichill änneren

Hi, i request a bot bit for BotMultichill.

  • Botmaster : Multichill
  • Bot's name : BotMultichill
  • List of botflags on others wikipedias: 30 atm (see meta:User:Multichill for the current list)
  • Purpose: Interwiki (pywikipedia)
  • Technical details : BotMultichill is an interwiki bot starting at the Dutch wikipedia. The bot uses the pywikipedia framework and runs day and night in autonomous mode. Sometimes the bot will run in manual assisted mode to solve interwiki conflicts.


  1. How does your bot proceed actually? From which data do you start when running your bot, how often will you run your bot?
    Starting point is the dutch wikipedia. The bot runs day and night.
  2. Are there any known difficulties in your bot and how does it interact with other bots running actually on lb-wikipedia (Robbot, QuistnixBot, TuvicBot, Escarbot)
    No interaction with the other bot, no known difficulties
  3. What will be the added value for lb-wikipedia if your bot runs there? (compared to other bots (especially those running already on lb-wikipedia))
    Quicker propagation of the interwiki links
  4. Are you ready and able to run your bot for us if we will have a special request?
    Yes, if i can fulfill the request.

Multichill 14:17, 5 Juni 2007 (UTC)

Botz (Eng Ufro vun engem Bot dee sech kaum gewisen huet) änneren

Hello, I'm french user (fr:User:Sebcaen). I ask for the flag bot for my bot User:botz. I use pywikipediabot to wtahc for interwiki's links specially on sport's domain. The bot run always manually assisted and got the bot flag on fr:, en:, he: and pl:. If you have some questions, I will answer soon.

Bonjour à tous, bien que travaillant au Luxembourg, je ne connais malheureusement pas votre langue. Cependant je paufine mon vocabulaire tous les jours. Je demande le statut de Bot pour mon bot Botz. Je l'utilise pour faire les interwikis dans le domaine du sport essentiellemnent. Sur fr: il fait plus de choses (gestion des catégories, requetes de modifications de texte...). Si vous avez des questions n'hésitez pas à les poser, j'y répondrais sans problèmes. Botz 14:48, 1 Oktober 2006 (UTC)

  1. How does your bot proceed actually? From which data do you start when running your bot, how often will you run your bot?
    My bot run every day and takes data from our main sports projects: fr:Projet/Football and. As my bot can get articles from categories and subcategories once a week, I get about 10 000 articles that I check for interwiki's links when I'm free.
  2. Are there any known difficulties in your bot and how does it interact with other bots running actually on lb-wikipedia (Robbot, QuistnixBot, TuvicBot, Escarbot)
    No for the moment, there is no difficulties to use the bot. When I do something special like a regex I do some test before but it's just on fr: that I do.
  3. What will be the added value for lb-wikipedia if your bot runs there? (compared to other bots (especially those running already on lb-wikipedia))
    Well I hope soon you get so more interwiki's links on others wikipedias article. And for lb contributors who had a special request (on categories, or text-replacement) they can ask me on my french page.
  4. Are you ready and able to run your bot for us if we will have a special request?
    Sure if I think that the request is possible for me.

Botz 07:00, 4 Oktober 2006 (UTC)

Huzzlet the bot änneren

Hello, this is m:User:PuzzletChung.

Huzzlet the bot is a manually controlled interwiki bot, run with from pywikipediabot.

Its purpose is to sort messed-up interwiki links like, for instance, the link to ja:Category:社会 from Kategorie:Soziologie that I have fixed[1] - it linked to the article for no socialogy but society, thus obstructing further automatic interwiki updates to take place.

The task cannot be done automatically, so I manually choose what do delete and what to keep. This is not a automatic bot, but rather an assistant of manual jobs. Its behavior could be arbitrary.

Since it's all guided, the edit rate will be very slow - it should edit no more than around 5 articles per hour.

--Huzzlet the bot 09:06, 29 Oktober 2006 (UTC)

VolkovBot änneren

I'd like to request a flag for this bot --VolkovBot 10:23, 3 Mäerz 2007 (UTC)

  • How does your bot proceed actually? From which data do you start when running your bot, how often will you run your bot?
It usually starts from Russian wikipedia, less often from CIS-language wikis and other small wikis.
  • Are there any known difficulties in your bot and how does it interact with other bots running actually on lb-wikipedia (RobotQuistnix, Robbot, TuvicBot, Escarbot, FlaBot, JAnDbot, ...)
No interaction with other bots, no known problems
  • What will be the added value for lb-wikipedia if your bot runs there? (compared to other bots (especially those running already on lb-wikipedia))
It will cross-link lb-wiki with other wikipedias that are likely to be skipped by other bots
  • Are you ready and able to run your bot for us if we will have a special request?
Yes, if the bot will be able to perform the requested task
  • Please add a userpage different from the Bot-user-page including your language-knowledge in the Babel-templates to lb-userpage.
The bot speaks no language ;-), it's botmaster speaks Russian and English

Qualia änneren

I'd like to request a flag for te bot Qualia

I start mostly form the hsb or the de wikipedia. The aim is to include pages of the hsb wikipedia into the interwiki net. Because there are not so much common lemmas in the lb wikipedia and the hsb wikipedia there is no great activity in this wikipedia. Moreover the bot only works half-automated and runs not so often.

There are no known difficulties with the bot or with bot interaction.

The main difference for the lb wikipedia is that new articels of the hsb wikipedia fast becomes known to the lb audience (and vice versa). Moreover I frequently look by hand for new interwikis between slavian wikipedias and hsb and so interwikis I found this way will added to the lb wikipedia (and vice versa).

I'm ready to run the bot bot for the lb wikipedia, if the bot can do.

SieBot änneren

I'd like to request a flag for this bot. Siebrand 11:59, 28 Abrëll 2007 (UTC)

  • Botmaster: nl:User:SieBot
  • Bot's name: User:SieBot
  • Contributions: SieBot
  • List of botflags on other wikipedias: a little over 25 Wikipedias, among which the 10 largest. See interwiki section for SieBot
  • Purpose: interwiki
  • Technical details: use pywikipedia framework; registered in ~25 wiki versions

  • How does your bot proceed actually? From which data do you start when running your bot, how often will you run your bot?
It starts from any one Wikipedias it has a bot bit on, alternating with nl.wp.
  • Are there any known difficulties in your bot and how does it interact with other bots running actually on lb-wikipedia (RobotQuistnix, Robbot, TuvicBot, Escarbot, FlaBot, JAnDbot, ...)
No interaction with other bots, no known problems. It uses current CVS code.
  • What will be the added value for lb-wikipedia if your bot runs there? (compared to other bots (especially those running already on lb-wikipedia))
It will cross-link lb-wiki with other wikipedias that are likely to be skipped by other bots
  • Are you ready and able to run your bot for us if we will have a special request?
Yes, if the bot will be able to perform the requested task, although it is probably better to have local bot users run the task.
  • Please add a userpage different from the Bot-user-page including your language-knowledge in the Babel-templates to lb-userpage.
I read Dutch, English, German, French and am able to reply fluently in Dutch and English.

Le Pied-bot änneren

I'd like to request a flag for this bot -- Le Pied-bot 22:38, 6 Mee 2007 (UTC)

  • Botmaster: EDUCA33E (talk) (fr bureaucrat)
  • Bot's name: Le Pied-bot
  • Contributions: Le Pied-bot (tests edits done on => EDUCA33E)
  • List of botflags on other wikipedias: fr (contrib), it, sv ; and actual flag request on tr, no, sk.
  • Purpose: interwiki / category purpose
  • Technical details: use pywikipedia framework

  • How does your bot proceed actually? From which data do you start when running your bot, how often will you run your bot?
It usually starts from French wikipedia, on category namespace. (sometime new article link check)
  • Are there any known difficulties in your bot and how does it interact with other bots running actually on lb-wikipedia (RobotQuistnix, Robbot, TuvicBot, Escarbot, FlaBot, JAnDbot, ...)
No interaction with other bots, no known problems
  • What will be the added value for lb-wikipedia if your bot runs there? (compared to other bots (especially those running already on lb-wikipedia))
Category link maintenance.
  • Are you ready and able to run your bot for us if we will have a special request?
Able yes, ready No  :( (this is a bad response, isn't it). The main wiki for this bot is fr for renaming category and.... the only goal of this bot flag on lb is to correct interwikicategory links (when renaming on fr, or when correct category link on fr).
  • Please add a userpage different from the Bot-user-page including your language-knowledge in the Babel-templates to lb-userpage.
Botmaster speaks French and English Main page => fr:User:EDUCA33E (talk)

User:TXiKiBoT änneren

Hello, I'm eu:TXiKi, from the basque wikipedia, and I would like to ask you for a bot flag here to add and correcting interwiki links from and to Luxembourgish Wikipedia. I'm an admin user in the basque wikipedia (eu) and I have the bot flag in more than 60 wikipedias. I work with the pywikipedia framework correcting the most linked pages as years, decades, domains, municipalities, etc. This is the full list of the wikipedias where I have a flagged bot: am, an, ast, az, bat-smg, be, bn, bpy, br, bs, ca, co, csb, cv, da, en, es, et, eu, fo, fr, frp, fy, ga, gd, gl, he, hi, ht, hy, it, kn, ksh, lij, lmo, ln, mr, na, nah, nap, nds-nl, nl, no, oc, os, pl, pt, ru-sib, scn, sco, sk, sl, sq, su, sv, ta, tg, ur, vec, vls, vo and zh-yue. I can speak in basque, spanish, catalan and english. Thank you. TXiKiBoT 19:23, 20 Februar 2007 (UTC)

  • How does your bot proceed actually? From which data do you start when running your bot, how often will you run your bot?
It normally works automatically for some article collections, as I explained above. When there are autonomous problems when running the bot automatically, I repeat it manually, in order to correct the links.
  • Are there any known difficulties in your bot and how does it interact with other bots running actually on lb-wikipedia (Robbot, TuvicBot, Escarbot, FlaBot, JAnDbot, ...)
This bot actually with most of this bots in other Wikipedias such as English, French and Polish, and there is no any problem with them.
  • What will be the added value for lb-wikipedia if your bot runs there? (compared to other bots (especially those running already on lb-wikipedia))
My bot usually runs on little wikipedias, because they usually get unlinked with the others. It tries to connect them, and works with more unlinked pages which can be get using tools such as IWLC and others. It also corrects some autonomous problems, which is one of the problems of the interwiki links.
  • Are you ready and able to run your bot for us if we will have a special request?
Of course.

Flabot änneren

Auf anregen von Robby hab ich nun auch lb in den IWLC aufgenommen. Daher brächte ich auch hier einen 21:26, 20 August 2006 (UTC)

Soulbot änneren

Excuse me for writing in English. Soulbot is a pywikipedia bot for correcting interwiki links interactively. Being registered with more languages does mean that I have to use more time checking out the links to each language, but it also pays off in effectiveness since more Wikipedia pages are updated at the same time. And that is why I am applying. Cheers - Soulkeeper / Soulbot 16:19, 9 August 2006 (UTC)

1. How does your bot proceed actually? From which data do you start when running your bot, how often will you run your bot?

I start with a Norwegian article. If the article is about a species, i use the scientific name as a hint. The bot is run perhaps 1-10 times a day. Not all the runs will affect lb wikipedia, either because the article does not exist on lb, or because lb is allready updated. The bot is mainly used for organic species. It is also used for groups of species (genus, family, order, class and so on), and sometimes for other types of articles. The pages of each language are checked by me before the bot runs.

2. Are there any known difficulties in your bot and how does it interact with other bots running actually on lb-wikipedia (Robbot, QuistnixBot, TuvicBot, Escarbot)

There are no known difficulties with my bot. It is the newest version of pywikipedia AFAIK, but I haven't seen it "interact" with other bots, so I cannot give you a full answer at this point.

3. What will be the added value for lb-wikipedia if your bot runs there? (compared to other bots (especially those running already on lb-wikipedia))

The added value is my combined knowledge about biology and language. B) I don't think there are very many other Wikipedians who bother to go through articles about rats and fish. Especially because many of these articles' interwiki-links are a mess. For instance, an article about Rattus norvegicus may well link to Rattus which also links to Rattus rattus and Muridae. Only 1 of these 4 are correct, and it usually takes a bit of work sorting it all out.

4. Are you ready and able to run your bot for us if we will have a special request?

Yes, I will be both able and willing to run the bot on request. Soulkeeper 21:22, 14 August 2006 (UTC)

Hello Soulkeeper. Thanks for your quick answer. --Cornischong 21:30, 14 August 2006 (UTC)

Robbot änneren

Ich spreche kein Letzebürgesch, und mache dies deshalb auf Deutsch.

Ich möchte gern meine Bot Robbot registrieren lassen. Es wird Interwiki laufen auf andere Wikipedias, aber wenn es da falsche oder vermissende Links auf lb: findet auch hier die Seiten ändern. Mich erreichen geht am Schnellsten auf meine niederländische Benutzerseite, aber meine Benutzerseite, oder die meiner Bots hier gehen auch (nur langsamer). - Andre Engels 09:52, 20 November 2005 (UTC)

RobotQuistnix änneren

Auch ich spreche leider kein Letzebürgesch.

Ich möchte gern mein Bot RobotQuistnix registrieren lassen, für das bearbeiten von Interwikis auf lb.wikipedia. Ich verwende pywikipediabot-Software, und RobotQuistnix ist meistens mit Multi-login auf etwa 10 - 15 sprachen aktiv, so dass Interwikilinks schnell geändert werden können. - (Quistnix auf nl.wikipedia) - Quistnix 09:54, 26 Dezember 2005 (UTC)

Vu menger Säit aus ok fir d'Phas 1 an, well schonn am Virfeld all Problemer behuewe goufen, och fir d'Phas 2. --Otets 19:19, 27 Dezember 2005 (UTC)

Ook van mij "ok" voor de Testfase, en ook voor fase 2. Beste groeten, --Zinneke 11:22, 29 Dezember 2005 (UTC)

OK voor de Testfase en Fase 2. Beste groeten. --Cornischong 11:53, 29 Dezember 2005 (UTC)

botbit gegeben. oscar 11:28, 10 Januar 2006 (UTC)

YurikBot änneren

Hi. I would like to run interwiki bot YurikBot on lb:, but apparently there is some issue with getting through the red tape. My bot is already running on 90 wikipedia languages, and soon will pass its 1 million total edits. The bot is standard pywikipediabot bot (i'm one of the developers there). Please let me know what extra steps i need to take to get lb: bot status. My requests is still pending for lb: at this meta page. Please support. en:user:Yurik -- 07:05, 25 Mäerz 2006 (UTC)

Vu menger Säit aus ok fir d'Phas 1 an, well souwuel d'Software wéi och d'Prefix-Lëscht mat deer vum schonn autoriséierten an ouni Problemer operéierende RobotQuistnix identesch ass, och fir d'Phas 2. --Otets 13:48, 25 Mäerz 2006 (UTC)

Ok for Phases 1 and 2. --Zinneke 14:43, 25 Mäerz 2006 (UTC)

User:Escarbot änneren


Je suis un Wikpédien français fr:User:Vargenau (où je suis administrateur), ici User:Vargenau, et je demande l'autorisation d'utiliser le robot User:Escarbot sur le Wikipédia luxembourgeois.

Ce robot sera utilisé uniquement pour faire des interwikis (avec pywikipedia

Vous pouvez voir les interwikis faits à titre de test sur Special:Contributions/Escarbot.

J'ai déjà le statut de robot sur nl: sr: da: ht: fr: pt: is: it: li: sv: sk:

Merci d'avance.


I am a French Wikpedian fr:User:Vargenau (where I am sysop), here User:Vargenau, and I ask for permission to use robot User:Escarbot on your Wikipedia.

This robot will only be used to made interwikis (using pywikipedia

You can see the interwikis I made as test on Special:Contributions/Escarbot.

I already have bot status on nl: sr: da: ht: fr: pt: is: it: li: sv: sk:

Thank you in advance.

Escarbot 16:33, 25 Juni 2006 (UTC)

TuvicBot änneren

I would like a bot flag to run my interwiki-bot TuvicBot (using Pywikipedia). This bot will run in manually assisted mode, adding and updating interwiki-links, using the Dutch wiki as a starting point. I'm mostly planning to solve interwikis that autonomous bot skip because they're ambigious. (And sorry for not speaking in your language :-() --Tuvic 15:14, 15 Juli 2006 (UTC)

Mmm, massive response here ... --Tuvic 10:18, 22 Juli 2006 (UTC)
Dear Tuvic, in order to show the other lb:wikipedians the seriousness and to proof that there is no problem of actually having two bots running on parallel in one wikipedia i ask you to put some test edits on our wikipedia. Best regards --Robby 21:47, 24 Juli 2006 (UTC)
Ok, understood. I'll start the testrun soon. --Tuvic 10:07, 25 Juli 2006 (UTC)

Thijs!bot änneren

Hello. I would like to request a bot-flag for my bot Thijs!bot. It has already been running for a while last week, it's edits can be seen at Special:Contributions/Thijs!bot. I would like to get an approval for running this bot on lb, since it will increase the range of wikipedia's I can work on, without causing any extra server load (the script is very efficient). As a source it takes Flacus' warnfiles and the nl: and en: wikipedia's. Currently I am working at nl, af, als, an, az, be, bs, ca, cy, da, de, el, en, eo, es, et, eu, fa, fi, fr, gl, he, hr, hu, ia, id, ie, io, is, it, ja, ko, la, li, lt, mk, nds, nds-nl, ne, no, nn, pap, pl, pt, ru, sv, tr, uk, wa and zh. I am waiting for a bot status at ro, cs, fy, ms, simple and lb. Thanks! Thijs! 19:05, 4 August 2006 (UTC)

User:Robby asked me to clarify some things.
  1. how does your bot proceed actually? What the bot does is taking a page on the Dutch wikipedia, following all interwiki-links and looking for more links and missing links. If it sees missing links, it will add them (if I run the bot on that wikipedia, that is). So if there are 5 links on the English page about Amsterdam that are not on the Luxemboughish page, it will add them automatically. If there is a problem, for example a conflict because the English page about Stockholm is about the municipality and the German one about the city, the bot will not do anything, but ask me for input to check the links. Flacus' warnfiles are lists of articles on different wikipedia's which are not linked, but have been checked three times using the Interwiki Link Checker.
  2. Are there any known difficulties in your bot and how does it interact with other bots running actually on lb-wikipedia (Robbot, QuistnixBot, TuvicBot, Escarbot). The bot does not have any inherent problem. However, if there is an incorrect link on one wikipedia, which does not conflict anywhere with correct links, the incorrect link will be spread rapidly. However, many times there will be a conflict, so this situation will not happen very often (three/four times per week an all wikipedia's together, which is very low compared to the number of edits). It will complement the bots you mentioned, keeping the interwiki-links up to date and removing incorrect ones.
  3. # What will be the added value for lb-wikipedia if your bot runs there? (compared to other bots (especially those running already on lb-wikipedia))? The interwiki-links will be more up-to-date, and users can find more information on other-language wikipedia's faster. Furthermore, more important, incorrect links will be removed. If you want more pages on the lb: wikipedia interwiki-linked, you might suggest the owner of the IWLC (link above) to add lb: to the database.
  4. Are you ready and able to run your bot for us if we will have a special request? Yes.
  5. Please add your language knowledge with the Babel-templates (similar than on your nl-userpage) to your lb-userpage The babel-template does not work on the lb: wikipedia. I added the information in the text.
I hope this information is sufficient to give me the bot-status. Thijs!bot 15:38, 16 August 2006 (UTC)

JAnDbot änneren

Please for bot flag for my bot. It's interwiki bot working on cs:, his main domain is human assisted problematical interwiki and interwiki for same names of articles (this operation is working on about 40 languages at same time, but maximal 10 pages per day).

Sometimes this bot do standard interwiki addiction, but only in the languages with bot flag.

Bot is based on pywikipedia.

  • Already with bot status: cs, eo, sl, pl, de, sr, hr, da and tr
  • Awaiting for bot: en, fr, es, fi, gl, sh, pt...

You have some questions, so, there are answers

  • This bot can be usefut to any wiki with manual control on problematic interwiki. So, it can remove dead iterlanguage links or removing some links to another theme.
  • This robot is able to made repalcing of text strings in list of articles or in category (e. g. {{Template}} -> {{Another template}}
  • Conflict with another bots -> It might be the same like edit conflict with any another user

JAnDbot 21:06, 16 August 2006 (UTC) (cs:Wikipedista:JAn Dudík)

Notes änneren

  • Bot can do interwiki with start in any language (lb: too)
  • If I wrote about 10 pages er day, I was meaning 10 in cs:wiki (ca 45 000 articles), so it will be only 0-1 in small languages.
  • If you have some more questions or comments, please use my cs discuss page.

JAnDbot 06:27, 17 August 2006 (UTC) (cs:Wikipedista:JAn Dudík)

Riccardobot änneren

Excuse me for writing in bad english. Riccardobot is a pywikipedia bot for correcting interwiki links interactively, I plan to use it without regular basis, rarely, more often to correct wrong interwiki in categories --Riccardobot 19:10, 22 November 2006 (UTC) (who thanks soulkeeper for the hints)

1. How does your bot proceed actually? From which data do you start when running your bot, how often will you run your bot?

I start from an italian article or category with wrong interwiki, trying to manually choose the correct one; the bot will be run manually assisted very rarely, as this day, 4-5 times each week or month, the bot is mainly used for religion categories.

2. Are there any known difficulties in your bot and how does it interact with other bots running actually on lb-wikipedia (Robbot, QuistnixBot, TuvicBot, Escarbot)

There are no known difficulties with my bot. It is the newest version of pywikipedia AFAIK, but I haven't seen it "interact" with other bots, so I cannot give you a full answer at this point, problems could arise if i choose the wrong interwikik, but since i almost always i run the bot when there already are wrong interwiki...

3. What will be the added value for lb-wikipedia if your bot runs there? (compared to other bots (especially those running already on lb-wikipedia))

That, if some wrong interlink had propagated here, it will be corrected so that successive runs of "python -autonomous" may succeed without human intervention

4. Are you ready and able to run your bot for us if we will have a special request?

I will do my best --Riccardobot 19:10, 22 November 2006 (UTC)

Zwobot änneren

Hallo, I'm running Zwobot as an interwiki bot in more than 100 languages. Somebody has asked me to request bot status for it here. I'm using the Python Wikipedia Bot framework, and I'm one of its developers. I'm also a sysop and active user on de:. The bot will only do interwiki changes on this wiki. --Head 10:02, 11 Dezember 2006 (UTC)

  • How does your bot proceed actually? From which data do you start when running your bot, how often will you run your bot?
    • Zwobot works like all the other bots which use the PyWikipediaBot interwiki script. I first let it run autonomously, then try to fix some of the conflicts by intervening manually. I either let it run alphabetically over all pages of one wiki, or use it to process data from the Interwiki Link Checker.
  • Are there any known difficulties in your bot and how does it interact with other bots running actually on lb-wikipedia (Robbot, TuvicBot, Escarbot, FlaBot, JAnDbot, ...)
  • No known difficulties, no interaction.
  • What will be the added value for lb-wikipedia if your bot runs there? (compared to other bots (especially those running already on lb-wikipedia))
    • As I said, I sometimes intervene manually.
  • Are you ready and able to run your bot for us if we will have a special request?
    • Probably not as I don't speak Letzeburgisch.
  • Please add add a userpage different from the Bot-user-page including your language-knowledge in the Babel-templates to lb-userpage.
    • There's already one on my user page, and Zwobot's page links there. By the way, the bot has no language knowledge. --Head 15:21, 13 Dezember 2006 (UTC)